Requirements for a Spousal Open Work Permit
To get a Spousal Open WP, you must meet certain conditions. As a result, IRCC should be granted the statement that it is subject to specific limitations. For example, students are not required to pass an immigration medical examination before arrival in the Country.
Including health-care facilities, primary and secondary schools, and child-care services.
At the same time as your study visa, an application for your spouse or partner will be issued. As a result, your spouse or partner can apply for an application permit whenever you arrive in Canada.
Furthermore, your spouse or partner does not require a TRV, they may be required to apply at the airport or border crossing. In most cases, your spouse or partner’s application is conducted simultaneously with your study visa application at the Canadian Visa offices. However, you’ll have to pay the extra cost for your spouse’s application.
Let’s take a glance at more commonly asked questions about Spousal Visa.
What is the validity of my Work Permit?
Most of our clients want to know how long their application will be valid or if it will take longer. Generally, the Processing period is usually takes four to five months. However, based on when and where you filed your application, the duration may vary.
When is the best time to apply?
Many of our clients, especially overseas students and those working in Canada, have asked when their spouse or partner should apply for a WP.
Before or after you arrive in Canada, you can easily apply for a spousal visa. In most cases, spouses or partners visit Canada before submitting their applications for processing.
Can I apply for PR if I have a Work Permit?
Yes, you can apply for PR in Canada based on your job experience and skills, as well as adequate documentation of your status as a skilled worker. However, your application is only temporary and may allow you to immigrate to Canada.
Those already working in Canada on a temporary work permit should keep their application for permanent residency available if they wish to stay for a more extended period.
How many times can my Work Permit be renewed or extended?
Your application is valid for three years, and it will take into account all three-year permit extensions. However, there are no limitations to extending or renewing your WP. As a result, only the individual fulfills the conditions for renewing or extending the WP.
How can I cancel my application for just a Spousal Work Permit in Canada?
Leaving Canada can help you terminate your spousal WP as a visitor, worker, or student.
Why AMK Global Group is the best choice?
As one of Canada’s and the United Kingdom’s leading immigration and recruitment firms, AMK Global Group offers a well-organized and efficient process for Open Work Permits, Study Permits, Visitor Visas, PNPs, Business Visas, and other visas.
Competitive price, legal guidance, rapid customer service, advising regulated and experienced consultants with hands-on knowledge, employment, job interview training, resume development, and placement services have all been provided to our various clients. So, if you require similar services, give us a call right now.
Our team is the right fit to manage your Spousal Visa and provide you with any help you need from professionals with decades of experience in Canadian Immigration.