The translucent fluid that makes up your eye’s vitreous detachment is present throughout. The vitreous maintains the form of your eye. This is not a concern…
Browsing: vitreous detachment symptoms
The vitreous detachment, a translucent substance that fills your eye, is present throughout. The vitreous maintains the form of your eye. This is not a problem…
The gel that lines the inside of the eyeball separates from the retina in posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). With aging, it’s a common condition. PVD can result in floaters or light flashes, which frequently disappear with time. PVD is not uncomfortable or dangerous to one’s vision. To make sure you don’t have a new retinal issue, though, you should schedule an appointment with an eye doctor straight away. Can vision be lost as a result of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)? Unless you have a complication,…