The debate over which front-end framework will reign supreme has been going on since the beginning of time (or at least since the dawn of AngularJS). It seems like every year, one or the other comes out with some new feature that knocks the other one off its throne. But which one will be the winner in 2022? Read on to find out!
An Introduction to Angular
In recent years, web developers have noticed a growing split between two different kinds of JavaScript framework—Angular and React. Though they’re often used to develop similar types of applications, there are important differences that distinguish them from one another and impact how they’re used by users across all levels of technical experience. Understanding these distinctions can help you figure out which tool is best for your application or projects—and it can also help you anticipate changes as trends continue to evolve over time.
An Introduction to React
If you’re looking to build a front-end web application that has cross-platform compatibility, consider using React. This open source JavaScript library is growing rapidly in popularity and can help solve some of your app development needs. Here’s a brief overview of what it does, who uses it, and how to get started with it.
Why go with either Angular or React?
Both frameworks continue to gain momentum and remain popular with web development teams everywhere. However, many people can’t answer the question What’s better, Angular or React? because they don’t know enough about either framework to choose one over another for their projects. With a plethora of similar JavaScript frameworks out there, how do you make sense of all your options and choose which one is right for your next project?
Differences between the two major frameworks
Angular and React are both hugely popular front-end frameworks for creating user interfaces. They are incredibly similar, with similar concepts, development paradigms, and features. But they also have some key differences that set them apart from one another. Here’s a breakdown of how they compare. Angular is built by Google, while React is developed by Facebook. Both companies are leaders in their respective fields—Google dominates search and Facebook owns social media—so it’s no surprise that each has created a widely used technology to help developers build better applications.
Benefit of Angular
Today, Angular is arguably more popular than React, and although it has been a topic of debate in recent years, there are several strong reasons why it will likely be sticking around for quite some time—and why it’s probably a safer bet to invest your time and energy into learning how to use it. Here are three of them
Benefits of React
The biggest benefit of using React is that it allows you to build a UI by assembling reusable components, and that means you’ll end up with a highly responsive application because each component can update itself without relying on communication from other components. When new data is available, only parts of your app need to update rather than everything from top to bottom. That makes for a much smoother experience for users and leads to faster load times for your app.
Choosing your new framework
Choosing a JavaScript framework is a big decision, so you want to be sure to research your options and select one that meets all of your business needs. You may have noticed that there are lots of different frameworks popping up lately – but while they all might offer something unique, two front-runners stand out as having serious staying power: Angular and React. Understanding how each performs can help you determine which framework will work best for your company or team moving forward.
Wrap Up
The debate surrounding which JavaScript framework is better is an ongoing one, but with so many individuals claiming that their favorite framework will continue to reign supreme until at least 2022, it’s clear that things aren’t going to change anytime soon. If you’re looking for a more objective opinion about whether Angular or React would be best for your next project, contact Pepper Square! Our mobile app development company can help you create amazing software and games for your users.