History has not only been littered with great leaders who have been avid readers and writers but also with business leaders who believed that deep and broad reading cultivated in them the habits, knowledge, and talents to improve their organizations. According to the New York Times, Steve Jobs, Phil Knight, Warren Buffet, and more have had one thing in common, i.e. reading. It is not only a good mental exercise to stay healthy but also a great way to instill leadership skills in a child. Discussed below are a few benefits of reading that aid in developing leadership skills.
Reading Encourages Critical Thinking
As a leader, it is pivotal to have information to keep perspective and seize opportunities and reading is the most efficient way to do that. It not only helps in improving analytical skills such as judgment and decision making but also enhances the sense of intuition that will be required to understand and resolve an issue. And, reading is a way that will definitely help the future leader in doing that.
Reading Helps in Improving Communication
When children start to read at a young age, their vocabulary builds, they pick up language proficiency and can string together a combination of words to make a persuasive statement that can motivate others. This edge in communication skills transfers to both writing and public speaking and can help future leaders immensely in team management that can lead to organizational effectiveness.
Reading Alleviates Interpersonal Skills
Stories give children an opportunity to walk in the shoes of the author and see the world through their eyes – this is especially true for novels, memoirs, and biographies. Reading can open the mind’s window to living the lives of characters one reads about. Brain scans show that when we relate to characters in stories, we make neural connections that continue to linger, days after keeping the book down on the nightstand. This signifies that reading has the potential to boost emotional IQ so that better connections with people can be formed. Hence, reading aids in building empathy which is a vital leadership skill.
Reading Promotes Innovation
To resolve conflicts, good leaders innovate and think out of the box. They encourage their teammates to innovate, achieve goals and act in a creative way to get the best out of the people around them. Therefore, reading nurtures the imagination quotient in readers and ignites their creativity.
Reading Increases Effectiveness
According to science, reading is one of the most effective ways to manage stress and reduce heart rate. Further, to increase personal effectiveness, one needs to de-stress. The more relaxed the mind, the more productive it will be when required. So kids who read regularly will imbibe leadership skills, but in the present, they will be able to see a marked difference in their academic performance.
How Can A Tutor Help Your Child With Reading?
Reading is one of the most important skills in life to learn. But irrespective of their age, some children can struggle with reading. As a parent, this can be difficult as knowing how to read is not going to be enough to effectively teach your child the same. This is where tutors can be a great asset to you and your child. They can plan the lessons according to the child’s tailored needs.
For example, there are three main learning styles when it comes to reading.
Visual Learning Style- If your children are visual learners, then they will learn by reading or seeing pictures, i.e. they will rely on visual cues to complete and retain the details of what they are learning.
Auditory Learning Style- Children learn effectively by listening or having a discussion. The context and details of what the children are learning come to them through the tone of the voice, pitch, and other details that are unconsciously picked up.
Kinesthetic Learning Style- A kinesthetic learning style uses a combination of visual and/or auditory learning styles that produce multi-sensory learning. Children who learn through touch need to have a hands-on approach to whatever they are learning.
A Read With Us Tutor is trained to identify how your child prefers to learn and will adapt the program to fit their learning style.
An American journalist and critic, Margaret Fuller once said, “today a reader, tomorrow a leader,” and indeed, truer words were never spoken. Several studies have consistently found that reading has several benefits, it not only improves vocabulary, reasoning, knowledge, and empathy skills but it also makes an individual smarter, creative, and insightful. Moreover, reading is an essential component of leadership development. Hence, as a parent, if you are looking to improve the reading skills of your child, sign up now at Read With Us. Our professional reading tutors will aid in shaping your child as a future leader.