The trip to the dentist is pain-free. Over time dental practices have earned an image as a scary painful and uncomfortable place. While it’s true that prior to when we had modern technology we have nowadays dental procedures were quite painful.
Fortunately, the painful dental procedures of the past are now a thing of the past.
With the advancement of techniques and technology, Your visit to Sedation Dentistry La Jolla is relaxed and even fun.
Dr.Weston and his staff take steps to ensure that your visit is painless.
Local Anesthesia
A lot of patients are anxious when they discover they’ll require an unimportant dental procedure. Although this is understandable we will make the experience as painless as possible and enjoyable.
Local anesthesia administered by injections to numb the area prior to minor procedures, for example, an extraction, filling of a cavity, and root canal. Dental procedures are possible by using local anesthesia when you’re awake and you won’t be able to feel anything.
It is far more practical than sedation dental since you are able to take yourself on a ride to and from your appointment and go back to school or work immediately following the appointment. The most efficient type of anesthesia.
Many patients are concerned that the local anesthesia could fade halfway through the procedure, causing pain or discomfort. If you suspect that your anesthesia is losing its effectiveness inform us. We’ll end the procedure and provide you with another injection.
Numbing Gel
Although local anesthetics numb the patient prior to the procedure there are many people who are nervous about the procedure itself. A fear of needles (trypanophobia) can cause typical anxiety among children as well as adults.
Dr.Weston can place a Numbing gel on your gums prior to the injection of local anesthesia and you will not even feel the needle. Many patients don’t even know that they had been injected.
Sedation Dentistry
Dentistry with sedation is advantageous for complex dental procedures, like implant placement and anxious patients.
For certain patients, the numbing gel as well as local anesthesia may not be enough to ensure their comfort This is fine. General anesthesia, also known as IV sedation is a method to relax you during dental procedures.
Some patients may require multiple dental procedures completed. Sedation dentistry lets dentists do more than one procedure simultaneously, which saves you time, stress, and stress. If you are aware that you will undergo Sedation Dentistry La Jolla during your appointment, make sure you have someone else transport you back home.