Every year, the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) is held to recruit candidates for various Indian central government, civil services such as IAS, IPS, IFS (Foreign), IRS, IP & TAFS, IFoS (Forest), ITS, and others. It is regarded as one of the most difficult tests in the country.
The UPSC CSE, also known as the IAS test, is held after the issuance of the UPSC vacancy memo.
I tell you, the UPSC exam is nothing short of a marathon. In order to be selected as an IAS officer, you must pass all three rounds. The Prelims are the first round, the Mains are the second, and the personal interviews are the third.
I’ll be talking a bit more about these rounds in the section of the IAS exam pattern further down in the blog.
Therefore, having said all that I guess you already know that the UPSC recruitment being spoken of here is the CSE, also called the Civil services exams.
Now, to get recruited as an IAS or IPS officer is a pretty grueling process, with annual UPSC recruitment processes lasting for a duration of more than 9 months.
Millions of students apply for the process each year, and only a handful are able to get through to being able to fill in the various UPSC vacant positions.
Also Read: UPSC Study Material