One of the techniques used to fix a detached retina is a vitrectomy. Parts of the vitreous removed during this surgery. This may require if the surgeon cannot see the detached retina because of the vitreous, a thick, translucent material that occupies the center of the eye. When retinal scarring makes other retinal detachment operations less effective, this procedure could also required.
Anesthesia for vitrectomy
General anaesthetic, local anaesthesia, topical anaesthesia, and intracameral lidocaine irrigation are anaesthetic options during vitrectomy procedures.
Each anaesthesia technique has benefits and drawbacks, and the choice of anaesthesia will determined by a number of variables, including the patient’s and surgeon’s preferences, the patient’s health, and any additional surgical procedures that will need.
What ocular diseases is vitrectomy used to treat?
Doctors can treat a variety of eye diseases using vitrectomies. For instance, vitrectomy might recommended as part of the treatment for:
- Retinal detachment can prevented by assisting our best eye doctor in west delhi by repairing any retinal tears or holes.
- By replacing clouded vitreous and assisting your doctor in identifying and treating sources of retinal haemorrhage caused by diabetic retinopathy,
Like all surgeries, this procedure has some risk. The dangers and advantages of vitrectomy should discussed with our best eye doctor in delhi.
What makes a vitrectomy necessary?
A variety of eye conditions, such as cataracts and eye injuries, can treat using vitrectomy surgery.
When doing surgeries to treat retinal problems, surgeons frequently perform vitrectomy procedures to provide them access to the back of the eye.
Additionally, draining vitreous fluid that has turned hazy, bloody, or loaded with floaters or tissue clumps is a typical procedure.
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what is vitrectomy?