While you have done all you can to make sure your manufacturing plant stays as safe as possible for your employees, you know it only takes a split second for a disaster to occur. Because of this, you are always seeking out new ways to make your facility safer. To make sure your company’s safety record continues to get better each year, here are some innovative ways you can make safety at your manufacturing plant better than ever.
Proper Use of Equipment and Tools
In many manufacturing plants, employees using equipment, machinery, and tools in an improper manner is a leading cause of serious accidents. Rather than let something serious occur that leads to injury or death, always make sure employees are trained in how to properly use everything they need on the job. While you’re at it, also perform regular maintenance checks on equipment and machinery to keep things working properly.
Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents
When employees have slip and fall accidents, they not only are out of work for weeks or months but also often decide to file personal injury lawsuits against their employers. To prevent these accidents, you can have epoxy flooring in production areas to keep work areas from becoming too slippery. Additionally, epoxy flooring tends to be easy to repair if machines fall or break something. Other steps you can take include cleaning up any spills as soon as they occur, fixing any loose boards on the flooring, and using drip pans and guards.
Eliminate Fire Hazards
If your manufacturing plant uses combustible materials, do all you can to eliminate fire hazards that could result in a catastrophic accident. When these materials are not being used, always have proper storage areas available for these supplies. Also, combustible waste is stored in metal containers and disposed of each day.
Provide PPE to Employees
Since your facility’s employees are involved in many hazardous duties on a daily basis, it is vital you provide them with sufficient amounts of PPE to ensure their safety. This should always include disposable gloves, safety goggles, masks, air purifying masks when necessary, and face shields.
Conduct Regular Training Sessions
Finally, always have your facility’s industrial safety coordinator conduct regular training sessions with all employees on the latest safety procedures. These should include knowing where fire extinguishers are located and how to properly use them, first aid and CPR training, and where emergency exits are located.
Once you decide to be proactive about your manufacturing plant’s safety program, you’ll start to see results immediately as you conduct safety workshops, stock up on PPE, and maintain your plant’s tools and equipment.