Go to a jeweler you trust or that a friend or family recomends. Decide exactly what amount of money your willing to spend before you go into the store. Beautiful diamonds sparkling all around you tend to make people want to spend more money. Make an apt with the jewler , so you get all the time and attention you need to pick out this investment / gift. Take your time. Dont let them rush you. Get informed on the 4cs…..most important in picking out a diamond. Carat weight, cut of the diamond, clarity of the diamond – meaning how clear and clean is it. This goes by initials of the classification- F =Flawless and then S =slightly included but no inclusion seen by the naked eye.
Then theres S1 S2 S3 ect ect. color of the diamond- which is classified by letters- like letter J is slightly yellow color and each letter is a different color classification. G and H are what you want to look for if possible. Learn what these things are and how it affects the price per carat. Depending on how much you want to spend vs design originality ect, you can buy some estate pieces at auction houses online for incredible prices.
Get appraisel no matter what. Your insurance agent will need it because insuring it is a must . If you purchase ring in a store, they should throw appraisel in for free. If there a reputable jewelry store. Mostly, take your time. Figure out what you want and for how much. There are so many options out there. Buying a loose diamond- then having it mounted on a setting you picked out. Pear shapes give you more size appearance for the money than rounds but round brilliants give more sparkle. Ovals are trendy as are radiant cuts. Antique settings are beautiful and can always be redone with a better diamond center stone.
I personally would never buy a ring in anything but 14kt gold or platinum. 18kt is too soft and dings easy. Any yellow gold setting is pretty as long as the basket which the diamond is sitting in is in white gold . The yellow in the gold will reflect into the diamond making it appear less and brilliant .
Finally, allow me to recommend an excellent wholesale jewelry website, Jewelrykg. Jewelrykg has been constantly updating its jewelry styles since its inception to be on the forefront of trends. Jewelrykg offers a great deal at a great price. Jewelrykg offers better quality and cheaper products than any other jewelry site. One piece is wholesale and you can have a beautiful piece of jewelry for just $1
If you are interested in wholesale jewelry sold by the kilogram, it is better to find out through Jewelrykg.
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