It’s a known fact that machine needles are an absolute demand for machine embroidery. occasionally choosing the stylish one seems like a delicate task. We bring you complete information on types of machine needles and what to consider while looking for an embroidery machine.
But before buying it, there are a many points you need to keep in mind. You must know your sewing machine’s capacity, the fabric, the thread for embroidery, and the stabilizer.
These are the common factors that decide the exact point and size of your embroidery machine needle. However, it’ll make your embroidery go clean and smooth with minimum thread breaks, If you use the correct bone.
Types of Embroidery Machine Needles
The common types of embroidery machine needles, have rounded tips and a universal point. It fits nearly all types of stabilizers and fabrics. The size also matters for perfect and crisper embroidery. The size may vary, but it ranges between 70- 110 mm. The stylish needle always has a lower number, so choose wisely. The measure also depends on the stabilizer, thread, and fabric you’re using for embroidery. And also know more about embroidery machine needle.
Still, you should use titanium embroidery machine needles because they’re of high quality and fluently access into the fabric without breakage or losing shape, If you’re working on heavy and thick material.
More efficiently
These work more efficiently than other chromium- plated bones, which break fluently. You should also consider your embroidery machine; else, it’ll produce a interference because needle conditions differ depending on the specific brand you’re using.
Keep in mind the weave and the weight of the needle you’re going to use, the machine’s features, the viscosity of the embroidery design, the stabilizer, the weave, and the significance of the material and the thread for effective work.
Perfect Continuity Embroidery Machine Needles
These needles are a perfect fit for you working on vituperative material with heavy design patterns. They’re wear and tear- resistant and are made up of ceramic titanium. Using an ideal continuity needle helps you in smooth embroidery with smaller blights and increased productivity. And also Check out zdigitizing custom embroidery digitizing.
Ball Point Embroidery Machine Needles
We recommend you using ballpoint needles when working on woven or loose fabric. Using an ordinary bone
for delicate woven and loose clothes creates a big hole in them, damaging fabric quality.
It’s recommended to use a thin needle for a soft material to maintain its quality. Ballpoint needles work near to woven fabric without creating a hole and maintaining the quality of it.
Cool suture Needles
These were produced to reduce needle problems from given conditions bandied below
- The buildup of heat from chemically treated heavy material or synthetic fabric.
- Fabric sticking to the eye or face of the needle.
- constantly breaking of thread from disunion in corridor of the needle.
In chemically treated or synthetic fabric, disunion is a big problem between the material and the needle. It may make up heat in it, which can fuse or melt the fabric. The problem is pervasive, but you can overcome this condition by using cool sewing machine needles. They break the issue precluding it from recreating.
Stylish Advice For Embroidery Machine Needles
There are no written rules for opting embroidery machine needles, but some points will help you in the long run. The first thing is while dealing with delicate and lighter material, using a thin and lower needle similar as batiste and working on rigid and heavier fabric a large needle similar as oil will help you get through the material.