The sun is the primary energy source on Earth, and solar power panels can convert sunlight directly into electricity. Electricity has become a necessity in modern life. It powers the machines that most of us use daily.
So, what exactly are solar panels? What if you could make your own?
This Blog will demonstrate a simple approach to creating your own working solar power panel.
The Factors
A solar power panel is typically made up of 6 factors: the PV (photovoltaic) cell or solar cell that generates electricity, the glass that covers and protects the solar cells, the frame that provides rigidity, and the back sheet where the solar cells are laid, the junction box where the wirings are enclosed and connected, and the encapsulant that acts as an adhesive.
Because most individuals do not have access to residential solar systems production equipment, it is critical to identify and comprehend those six components for anybody to arrange the materials required to make a do-it-yourself or homemade solar panel.
- Photovoltaic Panel
The photovoltaic cell is the first item to consider when making your solar power panel. Solar cells are connected to provide a usable DC voltage. If one cell produces 0.5 volts and is related to another cell in series, two cells should be able to make 1 volt. A typical module comprises 28 to 36 cells connected in series.
- Glass
Solar power panels are built because the most amorphous panels employ flat plate glass. The glass shields the PV cells while allowing the maximum sunlight to pass through. When shattered, flat plate glass produces sharp and lengthy shards, whereas tempered glass breaks securely into little pieces, which is why it is also known as safety glass.
- Frame
A solar panel’s frame is often composed of lightweight aluminum, which provides structure and strength to the solar module. We will use a wooden frame in our DIY best solar panel, and the ultimate product will be similar to a picture frame, with the image being the solar cells pasted on a non-conductive board, the glass for the Plexiglas top cover, and the wooden part serving as the frame and back sheet
- Backsheet
The back sheet is the plastic film layer on the module’s back surface. This is the sole layer that protects the module from dangerous DC voltage. The back sheet will be a piece of wooden plywood to which the frame will be connected on top and sides. To align the PV Cells, a perforated hardboard (Pegboard) will be utilized, which will lie on top of the wooden backsheet and be placed inside the wooden frame.
- Junction box
The junction box houses and conceals the terminal wires and bypass diodes. Depending on the system design, the terminal wires are generally positive and negative based on the PV Cells’ s connections. They can be linked to another sun power solar panel, a charge controller, a battery system, or an inverter. Junction boxes for factory-built solar panels are increasingly available online, particularly from China.
- Encapsulant
Encapsulant sheets keep water and dirt out of the modules of solar power panels. They may bind to the glass, the PV cells, and the back sheet using adhesive. Encapsulants are often constructed of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, abbreviated as EVA. Instead, we will utilize latex acrylic paint in our project.