Regardless of whether the duplicate content issue on the site is intentional or not, it’s clear that this will have a bad impact on SEO. It must be addressed and handled properly. In this case you need a tool to check for duplicates on your site.
It doesn’t matter if you are managing a website for a small business or a large company; every site is vulnerable to the threat of duplicate content.
In this article, we are going to talk about how to find or check for duplicate content and what to do afterwards.
What Is Duplicate Content?
Duplicate content refers to blocks of content that are the same or completely identical to one another, or very similar. Also commonly known as plagiarism.
Of course, it is natural to have similar or the same content in certain parts. And sometimes it is unavoidable (eg, citing articles from other sources on the internet).
There are two types of duplicate content:
1. Internal duplicate content is when one domain / site creates the same content on multiple internal URLs (on the same website).
2. External duplicate content, also known as cross-domain duplicate, occurs when two or more different domains have a copy of the same page indexed by a search engine.
Is Duplicate Content Bad For SEO?
Officially, Google doesn’t say it will penalize duplicate content. However, it will filter out identical content. That means, it has the same effect as a penalty: it loses ranking for your site.
Duplicate content confuses Google. And this forces search engine algorithms to choose which pages are identical to decide to rank. Regardless of who is producing the content, there is a high probability that; original page is not necessarily selected for top search results.
This is just one of the many reasons why duplicate content is bad. It’s not even just about SEO.
So if you think duplicate content is a problem and try to check it, it can be done via the plagiarism checker tool.
For those of you snooping wondering what a search engine optimization tool has to do with a plagiarism checker, you should know that plagiarism checker tools are actually tools and services on the internet that can help you detect and remove plagiarism from your written content.
We know that good SEO is about having unique content and managing it in an efficient manner.
If you don’t have unique content, then there is no point making any search engine optimization efforts. For this reason, the plagiarism tool is considered the most important SEO tool!
There are now many plagiarism checkers on the internet, and new ones are being designed and added regularly. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. The following is one of the recommended ones to use as a duplicate content checker tool.
How to Check for duplicate content
Here’s a breakdown of free tools that can help you check and get rid of plagiarism in a youthful way. Once and for all!
Website to Check duplicate content:
Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism checker
Small Seo Tools Plagiarism Checker
Search Engine Reports Plagiarism Checker