AverickMedia’s 100% verified real estate investors email list can take your business global and help your brand gain recognition. We have the contact details of over 45k prospects, all reliably sourced from tradeshows, exhibitions, press releases, credit bureaus, etc. Our combined AI and manual validation process ensure not a single unverified data unit makes it to our consent-based real estate investor mailing list. We group prospects with similar interests or purchase histories for easier targeting.
You can personalize your messages with the data intelligence, including company revenue, ownership type, job title, etc. Our responsive real estate investor markets mailing lists help you reduce the hard bounces and increase positive engagement. We provide updates in real-time that let you monitor the verification procedure during the purchase cycle. The benefits are several –
- 85-90% email deliverability guarantee
- Data credits if the anomalies exceed the allowable limit
- 100% CAN-SPAM, CCPA, and GDPR compliance
- Replacement of credits in case of hard-bounce
- 35+ optional data points available for selection
You can try our free sample to confirm if the email addresses are valid. Our customer support team is always ready to address all your queries. Buy our list and connect directly with top real estate investors to increase your ROI.