As the body ages, it becomes prone to medical conditions. Aging cannot be prevented, but
we can learn how to deal with arising situations for the excellent health of our loved ones.
Most health concerns for the elderly are memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease
among others. Discussed below are tips to make parent care, at home more manageable.
Let’s go through a few tips for geriatric or elderly care so that the primary caregiver aka
family member does not feel burdened:-
Have a support system:
If you are unable to spend enough time due to work commitments, scout for a professional
elder care service. A lot of home care services provide basic to essential support such as
shopping for daily groceries, cooking, laundry, exercise, visits to the doctors, etc.
Periodic visits to the doctor:
It is crucial to carry details of their medical history, current medication, and dosage. Help
your parents to understand their medicines along with recommended changes in their diet.
Exercise and healthy diet:
It is a good idea to accompany your parents for morning and evening walks. It will not only
make them feel refreshed but would also serve as an opportunity for you to spend some time
together. Paying attention to diet is equally important. Quite often, they are unable to
consume much at their age, due to indigestion hence it is important to feed them a nutritious
and healthy meal.
Keep a nursing attendant :
Taking in a nursing attendant is a helpful technique since your parent will enjoy his /her
family’s compassion at home and still have an aide around to take care of the health issues.
In case any health condition gets worse, the professional is able to alert the concerned
doctor early.
Samarth Care can help you, contact us and we will take care of your loved ones.
Ensure fall-prevention:
Falls have been associated with most non-fatal and fatal injuries for elders. Falls lead to
many physical health problems in an aging body. Some medicines may increase falling risks.
Keep a check that your parents wear sensible shoes and ensure that your home is well
organized at all times. The floor should always remain dry. Make use of non-slip mats and
rugs to avoid any slips.
Encourage physical activity:
Exercising can go a long way in helping your aging parent remain healthy and fit. With a
doctor’s approval, let the caregiver supervise the light workouts, physiotherapy, walking, or
yoga. Physical activity will boosts mood, organ functionality, and strength. It helps minimize
the risk of falling with improved flexibility, balance, and coordination.
Elder Proof Your Home :
Specialists recommend elder proof of your house. Some helpful tools are fire alarms,
medication management kits, mobility devices, meal delivery services, and grab bars.
Correctly looking after your aging parent means providing the most compassionate elderly
care solutions. These helpful tips along with showing love, care, and compassion towards
your aging parents can enhance their longevity and quality of life.