All leading brands recommend the seasonal & periodic cleaning and servicing of AC. Periodic AC Service can increase the performance of your AC and reduce the electricity bills. If you don’t do the regular servicing of your AC then this could reduce the performance of your AC & increase your electricity bill significantly. According to the research data, periodic servicing of a unit can maintain up-to 95% of its efficiency and can quickly recover the servicing cost of your AC.
Provides Better Air Quality
Efficient servicing of your AC provides you better air Quality. A highly trained technician cleans the HVAC unit that collects dirt and debris particles.
Greater Energy Efficiency
Part of Servicing includes cleaning & inspecting blades, cooling coils & other essential parts. Cleaner coils provide cooler temperature with energy saving than the coils that don’t receive maintenance at-least at annual basis.
Requires Fewer Costly Service Calls and Repairs
Regular maintenance is like a similar periodic meeting with a doctor/ dentist professional, regular maintenance helps keep units of your AC healthy. It ensures that the unit is in the best possible condition.
Prolongs the Life of Your System
Maintenance / Servicing allows you to maintain the top performance of your AC during its life cycle.
Below we have defined the steps that are performed during AC Servicing by a expert technician that make your AC as new as it was and improve the performance of your AC
Step 1: Inspection Service
First step of the servicing process is to inspect all the key components of your air conditioning unit. One Point Technician will firstly ensure the proper functioning of each component. If any problem arises during inspection, then our technician will inform you about the issue and will repair the part early as possible.
Step 2: Cleaning Process
Cleaning is the next step of the maintenance process. Your AC collects a great amount of dust and debris. These units need to be cleaned regularly to function properly. One Point Technician cleans the unit component thoroughly to ensure high performance.
Step 3: Tune-up Time
The next step of maintenance service is to tune-up the unit. An air conditioner requires tune-up on a defined period for proper operation. Parts that move in the unit must be lubricated properly and other parts must be adjusted properly.
Do you need Expert AC Repair services near you? You can call us on +91 8400 900 581 or visit our website
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