Maybe some businessmen in jewelry industry will question why brands such as Chanel can make amazing profits, while I can only make small profits but quick turnover? The answer is very simple, because it is a century-old classic, has a fixed high-end consumer group, and a professional development team, so it can afford the costs of marketing, stores, and labor. But emerging brands and manufacturers do not have these conditions. In today’s world, the Internet is developed, the information gap is reduced, the labor cost is increased, the physical store is closed, and the population is also increasing rapidly. It is undoubtedly a wise choice to open up the middle and low-end market and give benefits to consumers. “Pinduoduo” is undoubtedly the most typical case, and the same is true for the development of the jewelry industry.
In a word, unlike other off-sale products, wholesale jewelry is not expensive to sell.
To learn more about wholesale jewelry or jewelry brand such as jewelrykg, remember to follow me.